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Friday, October 18, 2024

Jesus answered, "The first is, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."
Mark 12:29-31

Thursday, October 31, 2024

On Tuesday October 29th, 2024 Father Oscar with Pilot Eric Buhyoff and first mate Susan Ambrosius flew over Marathon bringing the Blessed Sacrament to all and giving blessings to all people, structures, and animals in our beautiful island home!

Father Oscar thanks Captain Eric for his amazing flying skills and Susan for all her navigational help. Father will continue to pray for all in Marathon!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

November 3rd - 9th, 2024.

During Vocation Awareness Week, please pray that young people in today’s culture will hear and respond to God’s call. And do your part to encourage them to consider the priesthood and consecrated life!

Here at San Pablo we are going to start our traveling vocational chalice program. Each week a family will be chosen to bring home the Vocational Chalice and pray over it as a family and then return it to Father the next week.

The first family chosen is Joseph & Megan Merryman.

If you have an interest in participating in this program please contact the office.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Come join us for San Pablo’s first potluck Friendsgiving on Sunday, November 10th at 2:00pm, Parish Hall.

San Pablo will be supplying the turkey bring your favorite side dish.

Sign up sheets are in the back of church Questions??? Please see Megan Merryman or Kimberly Joly.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

San Pablo Catholic Women’s Club provides opportunities for women of San Pablo to grow in Spiritual relationship with Jesus and develop relationships with parishioners through prayer, projects and events.

Our 2024-25 topic is the Mass. We’ll take a close look at what happens during Mass from the “Collect” to “Sending Forth”.

The club is comprised of both year-round and seasonal members - All are welcome.

Dinner meetings are held every second Monday. Starting Tuesday November 12th. In December we meet at a local restaurant to celebrate the Christmas season. In March we host a Memorial Mass for deceased members on the second Tuesday. In April and May we gather for fun before our seasonal sisters’ return North.

We joyfully host receptions for visiting concert performers and other church events. We also provide meals for our homeless shelter throughout the year.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The second collection on November 16th & 17th will be for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Vote NO on 4

Amendment 4 is a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that would essentially establish an unlimited right to abortion throughout pregnancy even when the heartbeat of the preborn child is detected, when the preborn child can experience pain, and when the child is capable of living outside the womb.

Amendment 4 will appear on the November 5, 2024, ballot and require approval from 60% of the electorate to pass.

We urge all parishes, schools, families, ministries, and individual Catholics to encourage voters to join in our opposition and reject this extreme and ill-conceived proposition.

English   Español

Upcoming Events

The Archdiocese will be hosting a few events on the months prior to the Elections to spread the word in our advocacy efforts opposing Amendment 4.

Read more on the Archdiocese of Miami Website:

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Every Friday from Nov. 1st through May on San Pablo Field

1:00pm - 6:00pm.

Come out for produce, fresh juices, food, Cheese and more!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

If you have a student in grades PK-4 and older who you would like to enroll in San Pablo Religious Education Program please visit our Faith Formation page, fill out an application and turn it into the office.

Classes are held September through May in the Church Hall after the 10am Mass.

Si tienes un estudiante en los grados PK-4 y mayores a quien le gustaría inscríbir en el Programa de Educación Religiosa de San Pablo, visite nuestra página de Formación de Fe, complete una solicitud y entréguela en la Oficina.

Las clases se llevan a cabo de septiembre a mayo en el salón de la Iglesia después de la misa de las 10 am.

Friday, October 18, 2024

  • Abby Cafiero
  • Amy Seddon
  • Andrew Leird
  • Anthony George
  • Anthony Gover
  • Bob Rehbock
  • Bonnie Cohen
  • Boomer Kelly
  • Chris Carballo
  • David Gadberry
  • Dee Kiser
  • Cynthia Ferrara
  • Evelyn Ramos
  • Gabriel Carpintero Leguizamon
  • Helen Gessell
  • Jill Currie
  • John Laslo
  • Josef Rosu
  • Joseph Kiser
  • Laurie Dwyer
  • Linda Taschler
  • Marcia Kiser
  • Maria Rosu
  • Michael Klitgaard
  • Michelle Sosa
  • Michele & Tom Kramarz
  • Mike & Laurie Junge
  • Rosemarie Amrhein
  • Roy Herndon
  • Sharon Kiser
  • Sharon Sieracki
  • Stefan Toplician
  • Steven Elsea
  • Tasha Long
  • Terry McQuoid
  • Tim Hajewski
  • Tim Hribar
  • Todd Burmeister
  • The Hernandez Family

As a faith community it is very important that we pray for each other especially the sick.

So if someone in your family or a friend is sick please let us know calling the office, (305) 289-0636, and we will list them In the bulletin and remember to pray for them.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Father Oscar prays for this person at every Mass because he has felt personally blessed by him twice in his life during times of great sickness. He was also baptized in Isnotu, the village he is from, to pay homage to this man and all of his good works.

Blessed José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros “Doctor of the Poor”.

José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros was born on October 26, 1864, in Isnotú, a small village in the state of Trujillo in the Venezuelan Andes. The oldest of seven children, his mother was a housekeeper; his father sold pharmaceuticals and livestock. When he was 13, he expressed his desire to attend law school, but his mother convinced him to study medicine. He, therefore, went to Caracas to study: first at a prestigious academy and then at the medical school of the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), where he was considered a brilliant student.

After graduating in 1888, he received a grant from the Venezuelan government to pursue studies in Europe under prominent experts. There, he delved into histology, bacteriology, and pathology. Returning to Venezuela in 1893, he founded chairs in those subjects at the UCV while practicing at a teaching hospital. He authored numerous scientific and medical research works and some literary essays.

Besides his impressive academic and professional contributions, Dr. Hernández deepened his Catholic faith, becoming a Secular Franciscan at the Capuchin church in Caracas in 1899. He attempted to study for the priesthood twice, but his delicate health forced him to withdraw from the seminary.

Dr. José Gregorio became especially wellknown for his selfless labor for the sick during the great influenza epidemic of 1918. He became known in Caracas as the “doctor of the poor,” often buying medicines for them out of his pocket. He met his death on June 29, 1919, accidentally struck by one of the few automobiles in Caracas at the time when he was out obtaining drugs to treat an elderly poor woman.

There was a tremendous outpouring at his death, and popular devotion to him in Venezuela and other countries has only increased.

Beatification: His beatification took place on April 30, 2021, in Caracas, Venezuela.

Feast Day: His Feast Day falls on October 26th.

Patronage: Medical students, Diagnosticians, Doctors, and Medical patients.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Scripture Insights

The scribes knew God’s law. They loved God’s law. When a scribe, then, asks Jesus which is the first or greatest of the commandments, he is testing the Lord. Jesus answers the query by naming the two “love commandments”: love God and love your neighbor. The command itself explains how to love God - with all one’s soul, mind, and strength. That is, with your entire being, from head to toe. The scribe agrees; Jesus has identified the heart of the law.

While the reading from the Gospel of Mark portrays Jesus as the wisest of scribes, the Book of Hebrews reveals his identity as a high priest. Jesus is like the high priests because he offered a sacrifice that atoned for the sins of the people. But the risen Christ is unlike them because he will never die; his priesthood endures forever. He is also unlike them because the other high priests had to continually offer sacrifices. Christ needed to offer only one sacrifice: himself. As both priest and sacrificial lamb, Christ made one perfect sacrifice on the cross, “once for all.”

Despite this, Jesus’ work as priest is not done. Although he no longer offers sacrifices to atone for sin, the author of Hebrews writes that “he lives forever to make intercession” for those who approach God through him. That is his priestly role now: when we come to Jesus, he intercedes with God on our behalf.

Rubrics and rituals are tools to help us keep our community on track and our commitment in check. They are ancient, sacred, and there is value in the legacy we share when we become a part of their story. But they are not idols in and of themselves. In today’s Gospel, Jesus distills it down for us: love God, love your neighbor. Don’t get entangled in the rules if they don’t help you do those two greatest commandments.

Do we tend to prefer loving God above all, pointing all our praises upward to the heavens? Or do we favor loving neighbor, those who are across and beside us, with no nod to he on who created us and sustains us? Jesus reminds us that these two commands go hand in hand, and to embrace one without the other is to miss the point. What biases do we have that challenge our balance of both commandments?

Friday, October 18, 2024

October 26th & 27th, 2024
Offertory $3,177
WeShare Electronic Giving $554
Maintenance & Development $1,671
Devotional Candles $257
Mass Intentions $50
Poor Box $40
Total Received: $5,749

Thank you for your generosity!

How to give by QR Code +

Friday, January 5, 2024

Give instantly using our QR code.

  • Open your phone camera or QR scanning app.
  • Scan the code box below.
  • Complete your gift.
Donate Online

ABCD 2024 +

Friday, March 1, 2024

Archbishop’s Charities And Development Drive

Dear Parishioners and Visitors, Thank you for helping our Parish exceed the 2024 ABCD Goal.

As of April 26, 2024 the Archdiocese reports the following:

  • Total Gift Projection: $66,595.
  • Unpaid Pledge Balance: $ 9,345.
  • Total Cash Collected: $57,250.
  • Anticipated Gift Over: $14,953

May God Greatly Bless you all for your generosity

Watch the ABCD Videos

Eucharistic Revival +

Friday, March 1, 2024

May the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Bring Us All To Everlasting Life.


San Pablo Garden Club +

Friday, June 30, 2023

San Pablo is looking for a few hardy souls that would like to help groom & care for our beautiful gardens!

Meet Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the gazebo.

No skills required. We’ll show you and educate you in what needs to be done. Learn about gardening in the keys!

Norman & Betsy Philipps (305) 394-0893.

Electronic Highway to Heaven +

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Here are a few FREE Websites, Apps, Podcast, and Video sites that will help enrich your Faith:

  • Bible in a Year with F. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • with Bishop Robert Barron
  • Bishop Robert Barron YouTube Videos: (Dozens of Topics)
For assistance or information, leave a message for Jean at the Parish Office