Mass Intentions
8:00 AM | Communion Service |
8:00 AM | Communion Service |
4:00 PM | (D) Pat Egan
(Requested by Betsy Egan) (D) Cynthia Ferrara (Requested by Gail Schindler) |
8:00 AM | (D) Donna Ann Price
(Requested by Her Loved Ones) (D) Margaret Siemiantkoski (Requested by Stephen & Sharon Starling) |
10:00 AM | (D) Paul Reichert
(Requested by Frank & Aileen Batistich) (L) Marcia Lee Kiser (Requested by Lee Kiser) |
12:00 AM | L+D mem. of San Pablo Parish |
Communion Service |
8:00 AM | L Our Grandsons (Requested by Grammi & Grampy ) |
8:00 AM | (D) Larry Holdren (Requested by Tim & Martha Reichart) |
8:00 AM | (L) Scott Klipstine (Requested by Stephen & Sharon Starling) |
8:00 AM | (D) Fred D’Alesio (Requested by Julie D’Alesio) |
8:00 AM | (D) Kathy Dragos (Requested by Joe Dragos) (D) Matthew Ramage (Requested by Susan & Hammer Runyon) |
4:00 PM | (D) Pat Egan (Requested by Betsy Egan) (D) Mary Horne (Requested by The Simone Family) |
8:00 AM | (D) Mary Ladd (Requested by Jo Whetstone) (D) Grace Weigelt (Requested by Maria Dotterweich) |
10:00 AM | (D) Linda & John Tascler (Requested by Phil & Mary Ann Czech) (D) Bonnie Cohen (Requested by Lee Kiser) |
L = Living | D = Deceased | L + D = Living & Deceased
Contact the Parish Office for Mass Intentions.
Contacte a la Oficina Parroquial para Intenciones de Misa.