ABCD 2025
Thursday, January 2, 2025

As we listen to today’s readings and reflect on our role as the light of the world, let us recognize that the work of spreading God’s love requires both faith and action. Through your generous support of the ABCD, you are helping to ensure that the mission of the Church continues to shine brightly, touching the lives of countless individuals and families.
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Planned Giving
In the spirit of trust and commitment, we are called to consider the future of our Church and the legacy we wish to leave. Planned giving is a powerful way to ensure that the mission of the Church continues to flourish for generations to come. It is a way of offering our gifts to God, trusting that they will be used to strengthen our ministries, support the education of future generations, and care for those in need.
For more information on how you can make a planned gift, please get in touch with us via email at or call us at 305-762-1053.
On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Gospel reminds us of our call to be the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world." Jesus invites us to live so that our lives reflect His love and bring hope to others. As stewards of God’s abundant gifts, we are called not only to cherish these blessings but also to share them generously with others, helping to build His Kingdom here on earth.