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Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Friday, November 22, 2024

The National Religious Retirement Office announces the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection, scheduled in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Miami on the weekend of December 7th - 8th.

Escalating healthcare costs and a lack of traditional retirement plans have created financial challenges for many religious communities. They support more than 20,000 religious over the age of 70.

For more information visit:

Friday, December 1, 2023

  • Tuesday, December 10, 2024 – 7:30pm

    Big Pine United Methodist Church, Big Pine Key

  • Wednesday, December 11, 2024 – 7:30pm

    San Pablo Catholic Church, Marathon

  • Thursday, December 12, 2024 – 7:30pm

    Venture Out, Cudjoe Key

A free will offering will be taken. Admission is free.

Friday, December 6, 2024

San Pablo’s Catholic Women’s Club is celebrating the upcoming Christmas Season: Tuesday, December 10th on 5:00pm at Florida Steak and Lobster.

Dinner is $30 per person collected at the door.

New members welcome-annual membership is $30.

Join us for a great dinner (somebody else has cooked) and Christmas caroling.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Potluck to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Sunday December 15th at 1:30pm in the Parish Hall.

Bring your favorite dish to share.

Friday, December 6, 2024

San Pablo Catholic Church is very excited to offering a Advent Mission this year. We have invited Father Nick Mormando.

Father Nick will offer Masses on December 17th at 6pm and December 18th at 8am. Each Mass will be followed by a talk.

At 6pm on December 18th, a Penance service with Adoration will take place to allow parishioners to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Fr. Nick is originally from New York. He is a professed member of the Capuchin Francis can Friars, Province of the Sacred Stigmata of St. Francis (The New Jersey Province). He professed First Vows in 1983. He attended Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

He was ordained in 2001. He has served in various pastoral assignments in parishes and retreat work. He also served his province for twelve years in administration. He resides with three confreres at St. Padre Pio Friary in “Little Havana” where he is involved in evangelization.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Come join us in the Hall Saturday, December 14th at 6pm to see Disney’s Noelle.

Kris Kringle's daughter is full of Christmas spirit but wishes she could do something important like her brother Nick, who will take over for their father this Christmas.

When Nick is about to crumble like a gingerbread cookie from all the pressure, Noelle suggests he take a break and get away... But when he doesn't return, Noelle must find her brother and bring him back in time to save Christmas.

Friday, November 22, 2024

The Archdiocese of Miami in communion with the Universal Church and Pope Francis will open the Jubilee Year of 2025 with a solemn Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral, 7525 NW 2nd Ave on Saturday, December 28th at 5:30pm.

The Jubilee Year will offer the faithful opportunities to participate in various jubilee events at the Vatican and in their own dioceses. For pilgrims who cannot travel to Rome, bishops around the world have designated their cathedrals as special places of prayer for Jubilee Year pilgrims, offering opportunities for reconciliation, indulgences and other events intended to strengthen and revive faith.

St Mary Star of the Sea 1010 Windsor Lane Key West has been designated as a special place for prayer this year.

The basic conditions to gain indulgence are that a person is moved by a spirit of charity. “is purified through the sacrament of penance and refreshed by Holy Communion” and prays for the pope.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Virgin Mary in her appearance before St. Juan Diego in four visions in 1531. Our Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the religious life of Mexico and is one of the most popular religious devotions.

of the most popular religious devotions. Mary appeared to Juan Diego, who was an Aztec convert to Christianity, on four occasions between December 9 and December 12, 1531. During her first apparition she requested that a shrine to her be built on the spot where she appeared, Tepeyac Hill. However, the local bishop hesitated to act on this request. Mary appeared to Juan Diego a second time on December 9 after his meeting that day with the bishop and told him to return and try again.

On December 10 Juan Diego met with the bishop, who this time demanded a sign before he would approve construction of a church. Mary appeared a third time to Juan Diego, who told her of the bishop’s demand for a sign. On December 12, she made her fourth appearance, ordering Juan Diego to collect roses from the hill and bring them to the bishop. Miraculously, there were roses blooming on the hill, despite it being winter. The roses were native to Castile, a region in Spain that was the homeland of the bishop. In his audience with the bishop on that day, Juan Diego opened his cloak, letting dozens of roses fall to the floor and revealing the image of Mary imprinted on the inside of the cloak the image that is now venerated in the Basilica of Guadalupe.

Our Lady of Guadalupe’s continuing significance as a religious and national symbol is attested by the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who visit her shrine in Mexico City every year. Additionally, the image of her that appears on St. Juan Diego’s tilma has been interpreted by some scholars as containing elements that hold particular meaning to Mexican and Indigenous people.

Face: Our Lady of Guadalupe’s skin color and features are those of a mestiza, a woman of mixed Indigenous and European heritage.

Mantle: Mary’s mantle, is turquoise-colored instead of the bright blue. In Aztec tradition, turquoise was a color reserved for royalty thus signifying Mary’s queenly status. The stars on her mantle are said to represent heaven. The rose color tunic, signifies the dawn of a new era.

Sunburst: The sunburst behind Mary is believed to represent the Aztec sun god. The Virgin appears to be emerging from the Sun but does not extinguish its rays, signifying that she is greater than the Sun or any Indigenous sun gods.

Moon: The Virgin stands on a crescent moon, which some scholars believe represents the Aztec moon god. The moon is also a Christian symbol of Mary’s perpetual virginity.

Angel: Below the moon is an angel, which is said to represent a new age. Notably, the angel’s wings are that of an eagle. The eagle’s wings are red, green, and white, the official colors of Mexico and those of the Mexican flag.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

As Catholics in today’s culture it is important to pray for Vocations.

Here at San Pablo we have started our vocational chalice program. Each week a family will be chosen to bring home the Vocational Chalice and pray over it as a family and then return it to Father the next week.

If you have an interest in participating in this program please contact the office.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

If you have a student in grades PK-4 and older who you would like to enroll in San Pablo Religious Education Program please visit our Faith Formation page, fill out an application and turn it into the office.

Classes are held September through May in the Church Hall after the 10am Mass.

Si tienes un estudiante en los grados PK-4 y mayores a quien le gustaría inscríbir en el Programa de Educación Religiosa de San Pablo, visite nuestra página de Formación de Fe, complete una solicitud y entréguela en la Oficina.

Las clases se llevan a cabo de septiembre a mayo en el salón de la Iglesia después de la misa de las 10 am.

Friday, November 22, 2024

"The Greatest love story ever written is contained in a tiny white host." Bishop Fulton Sheen

Sign up for Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from December 5th - April 10th

Afternoons 1:00pm - 3:00pm especially needed.

Call Sharon Starling (517) 474-4155

Friday, November 22, 2024

For all who are either not registered parishioners or unsure if they are registered. Please either go online and fill out the form or stop in the office!

This is very important!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

  • Abby Cafiero
  • Amy Seddon
  • Andrew Leird
  • Anthony George
  • Anthony Gover
  • Bob Rehbock
  • Bonnie Cohen
  • Boomer Kelly
  • Chris Carballo
  • David “Rocky” Epperson
  • David Gadberry
  • Dee Kiser
  • Cynthia Ferrara
  • Evelyn Ramos
  • Gabriel Carpintero Leguizamon
  • Helen Gessell
  • Jill Currie
  • John Laslo
  • Josef Rosu
  • Joseph Kiser
  • Laurie Dwyer
  • Marcia Kiser
  • Maria Rosu
  • Michael Klitgaard
  • Michelle Sosa
  • Michele & Tom Kramarz
  • Mike & Laurie Junge
  • Rosemarie Amrhein
  • Roy Herndon
  • Sharon Kiser
  • Sharon Sieracki
  • Stefan Toplician
  • Steven Elsea
  • Tasha Long
  • Terry McQuoid
  • Tim Hajewski
  • Tim Hribar
  • Todd Burmeister
  • The Hernandez Family

As a faith community it is very important that we pray for each other especially the sick.

So if someone in your family or a friend is sick please let us know calling the office, (305) 289-0636, and we will list them In the bulletin and remember to pray for them.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Scripture Insights

Today would normally be celebrated as the Immaculate Conception; however, a Sunday of Advent takes precedence. Immaculate Conception is transferred to tomorrow.

On this Second Sunday of Advent, Luke’s account of the Gospel introduces the adult John and his mission (in the words of the prophet Isaiah) to “prepare the way of the Lord” (3:4). His is the voice crying out in the desert, and he is the one who baptizes those coming to him in repentance and moving toward a new direction. A way of preparing for the coming of the messiah when all “shall see the salvation of God” (3:6) is presented to those who are attentive and courageous enough to reflect on their lives and their way of proceeding, in relationship both with God and with other people.

The reading for Paul encompasses his thanksgiving, a component he typically adds to the conventional Greco-Roman letter. Paul expresses his joy with the Philippians at their lived manifestation of the Good News. The timeless summons of his prayer is for everyone to strive for the good of all. Seeking to find and be our best selves includes discerning what is truly of value. This is the hard work also bidden by the psalmist and envisioned by Baruch. The restoration of God’s people after the exile is described as tears that lead to joy. The mercy and justice of God guide those in covenant with him to be accountable in what they believe and do. This is the path to authentic satisfaction.

We see Christmas lights and decorations on homes in our neighborhoods, offices, and stores. Although we are in Advent, decorating early is the reality of our secular expression of Christmas. In a positive way, we can look at these lights as a great symbol of the joy we feel a being “remembered by God” (Bar 5:5). This week is also a perfect time to look back on the previous year and remember the moments of joy in our parish and in our families so that we can repeat with confidence the words of the psalm.

This liturgical year, with readings primarily from Luke, is an especially good time to reflect on the historical Jesus, as the writer of Luke places great emphasis on providing historical context for the events of Jesus’ life. This reflection can empower us in the knowledge that God’s creative movement also continues within our specific context today.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

November 30th - December 1st, 2024
Offertory $4,530
WeShare Electronic Giving $569
Maintenance & Development $1,479
Devotional Candles $114
Mass Intentions $210
Poor Box $96
Total Received: $6,998

Thank you for your generosity!
Please remember San Pablo Parish in your will.

How to give by QR Code +

Friday, January 5, 2024

Give instantly using our QR code.

  • Open your phone camera or QR scanning app.
  • Scan the code box below.
  • Complete your gift.
Donate Online

ABCD 2024 +

Friday, November 22, 2024

Every individual is created in the image and likeness of God, and we are also obligated to give. As Catholics, we are called to participate in the universal mission of the Church and to be disciples who make disciples. We are encouraged to give beyond ourselves.

Make a gift today

Planned Giving

Our Parishes depend on your kind and generous donations to continue doing God’s work. Planned Giving is the answer.

For more information, please visit


God only made one of you and He put you here in this time and in this place to be of service through His divine plan. Through our stewardship of talent, we bring His plans to fruition, which blesses both the giver and the receiver.

Watch the ABCD Videos

Eucharistic Revival +

Friday, March 1, 2024

May the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Bring Us All To Everlasting Life.


San Pablo Garden Club +

Friday, June 30, 2023

San Pablo is looking for a few hardy souls that would like to help groom & care for our beautiful gardens!

Meet Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the gazebo.

No skills required. We’ll show you and educate you in what needs to be done. Learn about gardening in the keys!

Norman & Betsy Philipps (305) 394-0893.

Electronic Highway to Heaven +

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Here are a few FREE Websites, Apps, Podcast, and Video sites that will help enrich your Faith:

  • Bible in a Year with F. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • with Bishop Robert Barron
  • Bishop Robert Barron YouTube Videos: (Dozens of Topics)
For assistance or information, leave a message for Jean at the Parish Office