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Friday, October 18, 2024

For the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,
and give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

Friday, October 18, 2024

During Father Oscar’s retreat and vacation, San Pablo would like to welcome and thank Father Brett Jamrog.

Father Brett Jamrog was born in South Dakota and soon afterwards moved to Omaha. He moved around with his family from New Mexico, and then Lincoln. Next, his family moved to Mankato - MN, where he attended Loyola High School for a year, and later back to Lincoln, where he graduated from Pius X High School.

Following high school, he attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he studied Business Administration. While at UNL he worked for the Nebraska football team as a student manager. Further, he was in the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.

He graduated from UNL in August of 2015 and went straight to St. Gregory the Great Seminary but after much thought transferred to Kenrick Seminary in the Archdiocese of Omaha. He is presently the Associate Pastor to Assumption-Guadalupe Parish, St. Mary Parish and Sts. Peter & Paul Parish all in Omaha, NE.

His hobbies include playing football, basketball and golf. He also enjoy hiking, backpacking, bungee jumping and skiing.

Friday, October 18, 2024

This past weekend Father Oscar welcomed two new Individuals into the Catholic Church:
Adison Olivares | Chloe Avalos

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Month Of The Holy Rosary

The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and this is a reminder of the promises for those who pray this contemplative prayer with Our Lady. It is a sign of predestination.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Prayer Service will be held at San Pablo Catholic Church on Saturday, October 26, at 5:30pm.

All parishioners and all members of the community are invited to attend a Prayer Service to praise and thank God for our freedom in Christ Jesus and the gift of religious liberty, which is the foundation of human rights, justice and the common good. We will offer prayers for our Country, a safe and fair election process, and encourage voting in the upcoming election. This event is intended as a non-partisan, non-denominational Prayer Service. Marathon local Pastors will be invited to attend and participate if they so choose.

We hope to see you and your friends and family there.

All are invited.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Vote NO on 4

Amendment 4 is a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that would essentially establish an unlimited right to abortion throughout pregnancy even when the heartbeat of the preborn child is detected, when the preborn child can experience pain, and when the child is capable of living outside the womb.

Amendment 4 will appear on the November 5, 2024, ballot and require approval from 60% of the electorate to pass.

We urge all parishes, schools, families, ministries, and individual Catholics to encourage voters to join in our opposition and reject this extreme and ill-conceived proposition.

English   Español

Upcoming Events

The Archdiocese will be hosting a few events on the months prior to the Elections to spread the word in our advocacy efforts opposing Amendment 4.

Read more on the Archdiocese of Miami Website:

Thursday, October 3, 2024

  • Live Music
  • Food
  • Vendors
  • Free Axe Throwing
  • Bounce Houses & Crafts

Saturday, November 2nd from 11:00am - 5:00pm at Community Family Fest Marathon Community Park.

Come Have Some Free Fun And Check Out Local Nonprofits And Churches Sharing About Community Resources.

Free Entry, Free Fun

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Come join us for San Pablo’s first potluck Friendsgiving on Sunday, November 10th at 2:00pm, Parish Hall.

San Pablo will be supplying the turkey bring your favorite side dish.

Sign up sheets are in the back of church Questions??? Please see Megan Merryman or Kimberly Joly.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

If you have a student in grades PK-4 and older who you would like to enroll in San Pablo Religious Education Program please visit our Faith Formation page, fill out an application and turn it into the office.

Classes are held September through May in the Church Hall after the 10am Mass.

Si tienes un estudiante en los grados PK-4 y mayores a quien le gustaría inscríbir en el Programa de Educación Religiosa de San Pablo, visite nuestra página de Formación de Fe, complete una solicitud y entréguela en la Oficina.

Las clases se llevan a cabo de septiembre a mayo en el salón de la Iglesia después de la misa de las 10 am.

Friday, August 9, 2024

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

  • Never Baptized?
  • Baptized into another Faith and would like to be able to learn more about Catholicism?
  • Baptized Catholic but never received the Sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation?

RCIA is here for you!

What is RCIA exactly?
RCIA is the process the Catholic Church uses to help non-Catholics learn more about the Church and if they desire, become Catholic. To become fully initiated into the Church one must have received the 3 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

When & Where is it?
RCIA for 2024-2025 begins in September and will meet each Wednesday. Location for the classes is to be determined on class sized. Together with catechists and sponsors, candidates explore elements of the Catholic Faith and prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter vigil Mass in April.

How can you get started?

Contact RCIA director, call on Carmen Kelley (954) 328-2513 or

Friday, October 18, 2024

  • Abby Cafiero
  • Amy Seddon
  • Andrew Leird
  • Anthony George
  • Anthony Gover
  • Bob Rehbock
  • Bonnie Cohen
  • Boomer Kelly
  • Chris Carballo
  • David Gadberry
  • Dee Kiser
  • Cynthia Ferrara
  • Evelyn Ramos
  • Gabriel Carpintero Leguizamon
  • Helen Gessell
  • Jill Currie
  • John Laslo
  • Josef Rosu
  • Joseph Kiser
  • Laurie Dwyer
  • Linda Taschler
  • Marcia Kiser
  • Maria Rosu
  • Mary Bannick
  • Michael Klitgaard
  • Michelle Sosa
  • Michele & Tom Kramarz
  • Rosemarie Amrhein
  • Roy Herndon
  • Sharon Kiser
  • Sharon Sieracki
  • Stefan Toplician
  • Steven Elsea
  • Tasha Long
  • Terry McQuoid
  • Tim Hajewski
  • Tim Hribar
  • Todd Burmeister
  • The Hernandez Family

As a faith community it is very important that we pray for each other especially the sick.

So if someone in your family or a friend is sick please let us know calling the office, (305) 289-0636, and we will list them In the bulletin and remember to pray for them.

Friday, October 18, 2024

John of Capistrano, was a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest from the Italian town of Capestrano. Famous as a preacher, theologian, and inquisitor, he earned himself the nickname "the Soldier Saint." Elevated to sainthood, he is the patron saint of jurist and military chaplains, as well as the namesake of two Francisian missions, one Southern California and the other in San Antonio, Texas.

As was the custom of this time, John is denoted by the village of Capestrano, in the Diocese of Sulmona, in the Abruzzi Kingdom of Naples. His father had come to Italy with the Angevin court of Louis I of Anjou, King of Naples. He studied law at the University of Perugia.

In 1412, King Ladislaus appointed him Governor of Perugia, a tumultuous and resentful papal fief held by Ladislas as the pope's champion, in order to effectively establish public order. When war broke out between Perugia and the House of Malatesta in 1416, John was sent as ambassador to speak peace, but the Malatestas threw him in prison. It was during this imprisonment that he began to study theology. When he was released, he decided to become a Franciscan friar, citing a dream where Saint Francis of Assisi ordered him to enter the Order. He had married before the war but asserted that the marriage was never consummated and received permission to take holy orders.

Together with James of the Marches, John entered the Order of Friars Minor at Perugia on October 4, 1416. Along with James, he studied theology at Fiesole, near Florence, under Bernardine of Siena. He soon gave himself up to the most rigorous asceticism, violently defending the ideal of strict observance and orthodoxy, following the example set by Bernardine. From 1420 onwards, he preached with great effect in numerous cities and eventually became well known. He was ordained in 1425.

Unlike most Italian preachers of repentance in the 15th century, John was effective in northern and central Europe in German states of Holy Roman Empire, Bohemia, Moravia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and the Kingdom of Poland. The largest churches could not hold the crowds, so he preached in the public squares; at Brescia in Italy, he preached to a crowd of 126,000. When he was not preaching, John was writing tracts against heresy of every kind. This facet of his life is covered in great detail by his early biographers, Nicholas of Fara, Christopher of Varese and Girlamo of Udine. While he was evangelizing, he was actively engaged in assisting Bernardine of Siena in the reform of the Franciscan Order, largely in the interest of more rigorous discipline in the Franciscan communities. Like Bernardine, he strongly emphasized devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus, and, together with Bernardine, was accused of heresy on this account. In 1429, these Observant friars were called to Rome to answer charges of heresy, and John was chosen by his companions to speak for them. They were both acquitted by the Commission of Cardinals appointed to judge the accusations.

He survived many battles, but John fell victim to the bubonic plague, which flourished in the unsanitary conditions prevailing among armies of the day. He died on October 23, 1456, at the nearby town of Ilok. The year of John of Capistrano's canonization was liturgically celebrated October 16, 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. The Bull of Canonization, Rationis Congruit, was published on June 4, 1724 by Pope Benedict XIII. In 1890, his feast day was included for the first time in the General Roman Calendar and assigned to March 28. In 1969, Pope Paul VI moved his feast day to 23 October, the day of his death.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Scripture Insights

It is not surprising that the disciples were indignant at James and John. How bold to ask for seats of honor in heaven! If we are honest with ourselves, however, these disciples are asking for the same things most people desire. Perhaps they simply wish to be acknowledged for their dedication t Jesus.

Jesus does not scold James and John when they boldly tell him that they want him to do whatever they ask. Instead, he simply asks them what they wish to do. Of course, Jesus knows what they want. He is the high priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses and waits eagerly for us to approach his throne of grace for mercy and help. They ask Jesus to grant them - literally, give them - the two highest places of honor in the kingdom. Jesus replies that what he has to give is not what they expect.

Jesus gathers his disciples and tells them how they will be different from all other people. Instead of lording prestige over one another, they will lower themselves. The highest place of honor is not next to the king at the banquet table but on the floor with the lowest servants, kneeling to wash the dirty feet of the guests.

What Jesus has to give them turns out to be himself. He “did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy that “through his suffering, my servant shall justify many.”

When we’re going through a hard time, it can be a bit awkward to share it with other people. No response seems to bring comfort: “I know what you mean.” “That’s awful.” “I feel bad for you.” There’s a bit of depression that can accompany the thought that no one knows what it’s like, no one knows how it feels, and no one really has anything to say to make you feel less “othered” in that moment. But our God came t suffer with us. Not to lord over us with superiority or to look down his nose at us or to pity us. He suffers along side us, as his fully-human experience allows him to feel our pain and know our human need. Even in - perhaps especially in - suffering, we are never alone.

God loves us, and we in turn reflect God’s love when we serve each other. Now Jesus is also saying this service is not a one-way street. The Christian community serves each other. That’s the way one becomes great or first in the kingdom of God.

Friday, October 18, 2024

October 12th & 13th, 2024
Offertory $2,888
WeShare Electronic Giving $702
Maintenance & Development $1,277
Devotional Candles $302
Mass Intentions $129
Poor Box $26
Total Received: $5,324

Thank you for your generosity!

ABCD 2024 +

Friday, March 1, 2024

Archbishop’s Charities And Development Drive

Dear Parishioners and Visitors, Thank you for helping our Parish exceed the 2024 ABCD Goal.

As of April 26, 2024 the Archdiocese reports the following:

  • Total Gift Projection: $66,595.
  • Unpaid Pledge Balance: $ 9,345.
  • Total Cash Collected: $57,250.
  • Anticipated Gift Over: $14,953

May God Greatly Bless you all for your generosity

Watch the ABCD Videos

Eucharistic Revival +

Friday, March 1, 2024

May the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Bring Us All To Everlasting Life.


San Pablo Garden Club +

Friday, June 30, 2023

San Pablo is looking for a few hardy souls that would like to help groom & care for our beautiful gardens!

Meet Tuesday mornings at 9:00am in the gazebo.

No skills required. We’ll show you and educate you in what needs to be done. Learn about gardening in the keys!

Norman & Betsy Philipps (305) 394-0893.

Electronic Highway to Heaven +

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Here are a few FREE Websites, Apps, Podcast, and Video sites that will help enrich your Faith:

  • Bible in a Year with F. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz: (start any time)
  • with Bishop Robert Barron
  • Bishop Robert Barron YouTube Videos: (Dozens of Topics)
For assistance or information, leave a message for Jean at the Parish Office